March 2022 Newsletter

Febrauary was another club day and we had a good turnout, it made the day interesting. In the morning Chris Withall was on the club lathe demonstrating how he goes about turning a decorated bowl using Jo Sonja paints.
After turning the bowl he applied a coat of black ebonising paint explaining that the colours would not show up on the basic wood finish of the bowl.
Using a hot air gun, Chris dried this before going on to aply the first colour. This in turn had to be dried before going on to the next colour. He chose various shades of blue applied in strokes, basically dabbing it on to create a pattern effect and finally finishing with white. I hope you get a better idea from the photo in the gallery.

In the afternoon Keith Leonard took over and turned one of his drop spindles and explained how they are used when spinning wool. First he turned the weight from a piece of padauk and then the spindle from,I think it was, beech. Not much more to tell really but the photos of the day, in the gallery, should make it clear

Our next meeting is on Satrday 12th March and Carlyn Lindsay is with us for the day. I seem to remember she does laminated work and uses buckets of sticky stuff!!. Our first professional turner for a couple of years so here's hopiing we will have a big turnout

You all shoud have your 2022 directory and your new badges for the year. Please let me know if you find any errors in your details
